Our library uses the Library of Congress classification system. The classification is listed below: 

A General Work
B Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
BP slam
C,D,E,F History
G Geography, Map, Anthropology, Recreation
H Social Sciences
HA Statistics
HB-HC Economic Theory and Demography
HD Economic History and Conditions
HE Transportation and Communication
HF Commerce
HG Finance
HM-HX Sociology
HQ Family, Marriage, Women
HT Communities, Classes, Races
J Political Science
K Law
L Education
LA History of Education
LB Theory and Practice of Education
LC Special Aspects of Education
LF Individual Institutions - Europe
LG Individual Institutions - Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands
M Music
N Fine Arts
NA Architecture
NC Drawing Design Illustration
NK Decorative Arts
P-PZ Languages and Literature
PE English
PL Languages & Literature of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PR English Literature
PS American Literature
Q Science
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural History, Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human Anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
R Medicine
S Agriculture
T Technology
TA Engineering General - Civil Engineering
TC Hydraulic Engineering - Ocean Engineering
TD Environmental Technology - Sanitary Engineering
TE Highway Engineering - Roads and Pavements
TF Railroad Engineering and Operation
TG Bridge Engineering
TH Building Construction
TJ Mechanical Engineering
TK Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Nuclear Engineering
TL Motor Vehicle. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TN Mining Engineering. Metallurgy
TP Chemical Technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts and Crafts
TX Home Economics
U Military Science
V Naval Science
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (General)
ZA Information Resources

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